As we recover from seasons upon seasons of bright colors, pastel hues and overly parched hair, the biggest trend to hit the hair spectrum in 2017 will be the return of healthy hair. Just as the return of skin care has taken over the bygone era of contouring, non-touring and highlighting within an inch of your skin’s life, the return of caring for your hair will be ever so in for the unforeseeable future.

In terms of styling we are seeing a split down the middle between rocking natural textures and super straight and sleek styles. What we can learn from this is; you can still care for your hair and get shiny, healthy locks no matter the style. Natural texture will thrive with the addition of quality products to protect your style; a great shampoo and conditioner combo, with deep conditioning treatments at least once a week, followed by protecting serums, oils and leave-in treatments. If heat styling your hair is on your list for the New Year, we recommend investing in heat protectants and styling aids that will revive your strands and shield your cuticle from any extra strain.

This new trend also adds to the trend of getting a structured haircut. Don’t wait 6 months before booking your next appointment. Trimming your ends often, trying out new lengths, or even chopping it all off is on the “cool” list this season. From grown out shags, to mid length bobbies, and androgynous short styles – take your pick because they’re all in fashion this year.


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