Cover style: Mane & Tales

The “Mom Bob” is the hottest cut for young mom’s on the go. Gone are the days of having to loop off all your hair just because you had a baby. But, we know looking your best with tiny humans can be challenging enough. Forget pairing that with a job and a cell phone that wont leave you alone. 


The bob continues to be one of the hottest cuts from runways to playgrounds. We have a few easy tips to rock your Mom Bob without an epic time commitment. 

Style by: Mark Williamson


Go Natural: Loose waves are in. Grab a curl enhancer, scrunch and go. Don’t touch your hair as it dries. Once it’s dry, scrunch from the bottom up, breaking up the curl 


Next Day Texture: You do not need to shampoo everyday. Chances are, you don’t have the time anyway! Dry shampoo is not only a handy way to freshen up, but can add texture to fine, post baby hair. 


Braids: Just because your hair isn’t long, doesn’t mean you can braid it up! Braids are the ultimate go to in a time pinch. Plus, you can take them out for great day 2 waves! 


Spoil Yourself: Be French! French women go to the salon and get a professional blow dry once a week. It’s a break from the day, and will last all week when done right with the best products. You feel and look great… WIN WIN! 


Flat Iron: Loose waves on day, straight the next. Always use a Thermal Spray when using this handy tool, and never crank it all the way up. The flat iron is a quick way to smooth out a few day old blow out. As your stylist the best temp to use for your hair type. Fine and color treated hair can burn faster, while thick coarse hair can take a little more heat to straighten it out. 


Don’t stress, you can look fabulous on a time budget. If you need tips, we have heaps! Here are a few other posts that may help you Navigate Trends and give you Blow Dry Tips you Can’t Live Without!