While most of us are still shocked it’s almost 2022, others are eagerly preparing for the year ahead. For the fashion-focused, this always includes waiting eagerly for the Pantone Color of the Year. This year’s shade was a custom blended color, and marks the first time the company has created a brand new color for the occasion. Pantone’s Color of the Year, Very Peri, or PANTONE 17-3938 is described by Pantone as a “dynamic periwinkle blue hue with a vivifying violet red undertone.” Learn what this means for color choices this year and how this trend will trickle down into the beauty industry!

Pantone’s Color of the Year, Very Peri

Giving us vibes similar to the shade Pantone Released in 2018, Ultra Violet, this color takes on a slightly more subtle blend for a lighter variation. Reminding us of everyone’s favorite crayon color as kids - Periwinkle, Very Peri is the construct of “Blending the faithfulness and constancy of blue with the energy and excitement of red, this happiest and warmest of all the blue hues introduces an empowering mix of newness,” Pantone states of the shade. 

The shade to them “encourages courageous creativity and imaginative expression,” says the executive director of the Pantone Color Institute Leatrice Eiseman.


2022 Pantone Color of the Year and the Beauty Industry

This shade is already very much in circulation across fashion, interior design, hair, makeup and nails. We’re sure to see Very Peri take on matte tones for home decor and a sparkling or shimmering finish for makeup and nails. With accents and bold statements, we’ll see this blue-red hue most prominently in fashion shades of hair color and as undertones throughout the year. 

Show us some of your Pantone Color of the Year Very Peri creations! From hair to makeup and nails — be sure to tag @bangstyle so we can feature the beautiful renditions you’ve created!