With every season change comes a myriad of new hair problems. From dry, staticky strands in the winter to stuck-to-your-forehead locks on a humid summer day, there’s no telling how the weather will affect your freshly blown-out locks. Or is there? Read on to discover the top tips for keeping your hair in check all year long.

The Season: Winter

The Problem: Dryness and static

Unfortunately, thanks to a lack of moisture in the air, hair can become dry, dull and staticky during the colder months. To keep hair soft and hydrated, apply label.m Intensive Mask 1-2 times a week. Another way to keep static at bay? Rub a dryer sheet on your roots to minimize flyaways.

The Season: Spring

The Problem: Rain and changing temps

Unfortunately, the saying, “April showers bring May flowers” doesn’t always ring true—one week you’re experiencing above-average temperatures, the next week heavy rainstorms are on the forecast. So how can you combat unpredictable weather? Since too much moisture can result in unwanted frizz, replace the moisturizing shampoo you used in the winter with a lightweight formula. The label.m Honey & Oat Shampoo provides hydration without weighing your hair down. Plus, it protects hair from UV rays.

The Season: Summer

The Problem: Sun and heat damage

The sun’s harmful UV rays can leave your strands dry and brittle. Apply label.m Protein Spray before every blow-out to protect hair from sun and heat damage. Not only will it serve as a shield for your locks during the warmer months, it will also add shine, protect your color and restore moisture.

The Season: Fall

The Problem: Wind

With autumn comes falling leaves and unpredictable gusts of wind that seem to ruin every type of style. Well, you know what they say—if you can’t beat it, join it! Embrace the windy weather by styling your smooth locks in messy bedhead waves, loose braids or an effortless bun—basically any style that will look better with a slightly “wind-blown” effect.  To give your look a little hold, apply label.m Fashion Edition Wax Spray before styling. The best part? When you take out your style, you’ll have perfect beach waves!


For even more fashion-forward styles, check out label.m, the official sponsor of London Fashion Week. Want more tips and tricks? See all their latest inspiration on Instagram @labelmusa! & SHOP label.m, NOW in the Bangstyle store!