Whether you’ve decided to switch from blonde to copper or add face-framing highlights to your usual root touch-up, color is one of the best ways to express your style. However, sometimes when we switch things up (whether it's your hair color or your hairstylist), we can run into issues. Fixing color issues usually involves a color correction service. Minor troubles include brassiness or color fade. However, you might run into damage or placement problems on the severe side. To learn more about color corrections, keep reading.

What is a color correction?

A hair color correction is a service performed in the salon to correct color from unwanted tones, placement, or uneven grow out. This may involve toning, dying, or lightening hair to achieve the desired effect.

It’s all about the consultation

Depending on the severity, color correction services aren’t always straightforward. To fix hair color, the stylist must first understand what’s going on underneath to come up with a plan to fix it. Post-pandemic, many color corrections arose from common issues like box dye or home highlights gone wrong. Once the color history is discussed, perform a strand test to see how the hair behaves so you can set expectations accordingly. This gives a better idea of how long the process will take, how much it will cost, and how to prevent excess damage.

Be upfront about costs

While some color corrections can be fixed with a gloss and protein treatment, others may require multiple appointments over a long time. Due to this, stylists can either charge by the hour or per service. The costs, as well as recommended home care must-haves, should be discussed before starting any services.

Care goes a long way

While the corrective services performed in the salon are essential, the daily care routine between appointments is just as important. From how often to wash your hair to the type of deep conditioner or styling products to use, stylists should educate their clients about the best practices to improve the health of their hair.

Recommended Care Products:

Keune You is a curated selection of home care products that allows the stylist to custom-mix products based on each client’s needs. From adding pigmented care to nourishing boosters, Keune You is one of the best ways to tailor at-home care following a color correction service.