Learn about this beautiful editorial collection from stylists Manny Dominguez and Valine Marie – a study in creating style from natural texture. Hear about what they to mold the looks and the inspiration behind these moving images...

Gothika is inspired by the woman who finds herself digging into poetry and dark medieval stories, trying to forget an evil love. At times she could be a rebel and confident in her ways of thinking, but sometimes she finds herself falling into old memories of her past.


The looks are more seductive and quite undone at times to showcase the models mood and hair wave patterns. Some styles have more of a rebel look to it, to deliver a more confident personality.

For the looks created, we played a lot with the model's natural growth patterns and molded them using hairspray, then finished them using shine spray and a few drops of Argan oil. Nothing else.


To see more beautiful work from Manny and Valine be sure to stalk them on Bangstyle and check out even more hair inspiration here!



Hair: Manny Dominguez

Hair: Valine Marie

Photography: Brian James 

Makeup Artist:  Victoria Shelton