I haven’t cheated on my hairstylist in years – and for good reason. I absolutely LOVE the way she does my hair and my hairstylist is also one of my very close friends (we worked together for about 5 years). I recently moved to a new city and although I vowed to still always go see her, I had to cheat (but she knew about it). Due to a scheduling conflict, it just couldn’t be avoided.

Now, when I normally get my hair done I literally sit in the chair, tell her to “do you” and my hair always magically comes out just how I want it. I knew this wouldn’t be the case with trying someone knew. So, I made my new appointment and after an unapologetic front desk receptionist explained it would be almost 2 months before getting in, I decided to keep my appointment and see if I could possibly find someone close by that I could see every once in a while.

Seeing that I had 2 months until my hair appointment, I spend a great deal of time researching and deciding just what I was going to say. When the day finally came to get my hair done by said new stylist, I’ll admit I was a little nervous. I tried to wear my hair how I normally wear it and dress in a cute outfit so she could “see my style”. I knew exactly what I was going to tell her I wanted: “Balayage, the same color as what I had going on just a refresh at the roots and a small trim”. I showed up to my appointment 5 minutes early – because that’s just good salon etiquette. As I sat in her chair and we had the consultation, she asked: “Do you have a picture?” I realized I had just broken MY OWN cardinal rule! Always bring a picture because even though we’re both stylists and may speak the same language, our dialects can be totally different. Needless to say, my hair didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted it – I’ll admit I’m also a bit picky – but it was completely my own fault! I didn’t listen to the advice that I give others on the daily.

Lesson learned and no harm done, but just remember that everyone see’s things differently so bring your visuals friends – it’s the easiest way to communicate sometimes!


For even more hair care and styling tricks, be sure to stalk Sam Villa Professional on Bangstyle and check out all of his tools in the Bangstyle Store!

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