It’s been nearly eight weeks since I delivered my second bundle of joy and I can confidently say that having my second child has been a completely different experience from my first. I no longer fear the child birthing process (though it’s still not exactly a walk in the park), I’ve scaled back on my “bump update” pics due to running after my toddler all day, and, ultimately, I know what to expect (crying, blowouts, no sleep, etc.). Something else I know is in store for me? The dreaded postpartum hair loss. I can still remember the horror I felt after seeing clumps of my hair in the shower, so I’ve decided to implement a few changes to my routine in hopes of keeping the hair fall to a minimum. Read on to discover everything I’m doing differently after Baby #2. 


#1: I’m ditching the “mom bun” 

Wearing my hair in a topknot may be a comfortable and easy alternative to styling, but it also can increase the risk of hair fall along the hairline. Pulling your hair on top of your head creates tension, and that tension on already-weak strands can ultimately cause them to fall out or break off. Instead, I’ve committed myself to other 1-minute hairstyles, including the loose, low bun, a 3-strand braid or the coveted “hide-my-oily-roots-with-a-baseball-cap” look. (Hey, at least athleisure is in these days, right?)


#2: I’m rethinking my heat styling

I wish I could tell you that I’ve decided to give up my hot tools completely, but I can’t do it yet. As a girl with wavy, frizz-prone hair that always looks like a lion’s mane when it air-dries, I can’t say goodbye to my blowdryer or curling iron. Having my hair styled makes me feel good—a factor I realized is all too important when in the midst of diapers, spit-up and little sleep. Instead, I’ve decided to be intentional with my heat. I’ve put my hair on a schedule: I’ll blow-dry it straight on wash day, then I’ll add curls the next day, which should hopefully last about 1-2 days. On the final day before washing, I’ll throw my hair into a loose bun and head out the door. 


#3: I’m loading up on protein 

Hair is made out of a protein called keratin. Little protein in your diet means your hair will be weak, lifeless and more vulnerable to hair fall. With my first son, I barely had any time to catch my breath, let alone eat a nutritious meal, in turn, causing me to suffer the hair-rific consequences. That’s why I’ve increased my protein intake with every meal, whether it's adding collagen protein to my morning coffee, eating more fish, eggs and chicken and even indulging in a chocolate protein shake now and then. 


#4: I’m adding oils to my beauty routine

I learned the benefits of castor oil after my first pregnancy, but this time around I’ve decided to take it up a notch. Not only do I perform a castor oil scalp massage at least once a week to stimulate growth, but I’ve also purchased shampoo formulated with peppermint and rosemary essential oils to give my hair a much-needed boost. 


#5: I keep reminding myself this stage doesn’t last forever

I was convinced that my hair was going to continue to fall out until I was left with only a couple of stragglers left on my head. Although it took some time, my hair stopped falling out as much and eventually returned to normal. Here’s hoping all of these new habits will help these months fly by with minimal hair fall—and lots of baby snuggles in between.