Whether you're growing out a short haircut or just want more length – there are a few key tips and tricks that will help you get to your goal in a timely manner. The main factors include: what you eat, your hair care routine, and the way you style your locks.

Having a healthy, balanced diet full of the proper vitamins and minerals is a vital component of a healthy mane. How you treat your hair is the other part of the equation. Follow these tips to help your hair grow!

Cut Down On Heat Styling – Heat styling places a great deal of stress on our stands. By pulling, stretching and oftentimes breaking the hair, it weakens your strands while also shortening your hair. The less you fight with your hair to get your desired look the less breakage it will cause.

Learn How To Air-Dry – Some people love their natural texture, while others aren’t the biggest fans. However, learning how to air-dry could be the key to cutting down on heat damage and breakage, causing your hair to fall short. Whether you need to step up your game with the proper products or look into a more definite solution, Cezanne has just what you need.

Get A Smoothing Treatment – In a perfect world we wouldn't need to wash or style our hair everyday. We could have Beyonce "I woke up like this" hair in an instant. In reality, you wake up with weird kinks or an unkempt looking fringe, and must succumb to heat styling. Why not try out a smoothing treatment instead? With Cezanne, you can go for either the Classic or Express Treatment to test the process. A smoothing treatment will cut down on frizz and styling time, while giving you the ability to air-dry without flyaways. Therefore streamlining your styling routine and cutting down on the need for heat.

If you’re thinking about getting a treatment or simply want to pick up a few key products from Cezanne, follow us on Instagram @Cezanne_Hair and visit CezanneHair.com for even more helpful tips and tricks!