Have your clients ever come to see you feeling like they’re stuck in a style rut? Every time they visit you in the salon, they ask for the same thing, because it’s easy and they’re used to it? They might opt for an inch here and there or highlights when the seasons change, but when it comes to trying on a style outside of their comfort zone – they never quite go there. The best way to break this cycle is to do your research and offer them a few solutions.  Next time your client is looking to make a change start with a few talking points that will leave them looking and feeling fabulous!

Dense Texture

If your client has thick strands, it can be nerve-racking to change up their length. In their mind, shorter styles are usually out of the question, but they don’t have to be. If they want to try out a blunt bob, they can! Suggest to them that you can create an undercut or hide layers underneath; this ensures their hair won’t turn into the dreaded a triangle.

Fine Strands

Clients with fine hair are always looking to add more volume. They can pull off blunt haircuts and effortless bangs with ease but may need a helping hand when it comes to creating movement. Texturizing techniques + products are the formula when it comes to creating a style they will love. When trying to create volume and movement, always remember that short hair directs long hair. So if you add texture within your cut you can add volume and direction to any style. Don’t forget to send them home with products. Care Absolute Volume Shampoo, Conditioner and Mousse are the perfect failsafe system to send them home with!

Coming Back From A Color Correction?

Every once in a while, whether it’s from environmental damage or because a client decided to try out box dye, you’ll come across a color correction client that is in need of some serious TLC. The most important thing to remember is to create a style for them that doesn’t require a great deal of styling. You can explain to them that cutting down on styling will help heal their hair after a color correction and get their strands back to where they want to be. Each time they come in, be sure to provide a treatment in-salon, like Care Miracle Elixir. Then, send them home with Care Vital Nutrition Mask to apply at least once a week. Formulated to form barriers around damaged strands it with protect and strengthen hair with the added benefit of UV protection. When it comes to styling, instruct them on the best way to air dry and have them include stylers like Care Curl Control Curl Boost Spray or Care Keratin Smooth Smoothing Serum into their routine!

Keune, for the salon professional since 1922.

To learn even more about their brilliant color, stunning styling, and trend inspiration be sure to stalk Keune on Bangstyle and follow them on InstagramFacebookTwitter, and Pinterest