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Based on where we are located, social distancing continues to impact us all in various ways. The silver lining about the past few weeks and months is that it has given us all time to think about our priorities, our dreams and our goals. We’ve all had an opportunity to step back and breathe and realise what’s important. It’s also given us time to think about our careers, passions and ambitions. 

TONI&GUY International Artistic Director and Head of Education, Cos Sakkas, believes being in isolation has made him realise what an amazing industry he works in. “We’ve been talking to our salons and hairdressers around the world and the camaraderie, belief and humility have been awe-inspiring. There truly is no other industry like hairdressing – and the lockdown has made us all realise just what we offer. We work with amazing people, surround ourselves with positivity and passion and are always there for each other.” Cos Sakkas has learned a great deal during this time and is sharing what lockdown has taught us all.

Five things that lockdown has taught us

  1. How much you’ve missed hairdressing – the actual physical action of cutting or colouring hair, transforming a head of hair and creating something beautiful, edgy or feminine. Working on a mannequin isn’t the same – there’s no better feeling than seeing your client smile when they look in the mirror. 
  2. Conversations with your clients – that one-on-one chat about everyday life, their families and their careers, their worries and their dreams. There’s more to your relationship than hair and we realise how important that emotional bond is.
  3. Community spirit – social media has brought the world of hairdressing closer together, sharing experiences of lockdown and reopening businesses from around the globe. We’ve shared concerns and worries and have been working together on solutions. 
  4. Your team is everything – the people you work with and surround yourself with are incredible. From assistants to salon managers, photographers and models, we work with people that are compassionate, funny, caring, loyal and exciting. Zoom catch-ups have been great but I can’t wait for the day when we see each other again! 
  5. Education is as important as ever – there’s been a multitude of online education from cutting tutorials to hair up demonstrations. This has taught us all how important – and exciting – it is to keep our skills up to date and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Nothing beats real-life education and we all wait for the day academies reopen and we can work with live models again. 


What have you learned during this time? Be sure to share in the comments below or reach out to us on social media @bangstyle to share!