Written by: Lori Barsamian

That illustrious bend indicative of Jennifer Aniston circa Friends Season 4, is back. Jen has always been a hair icon but now her most prominent style is making is way back into the trend cycle, how iconic of her.

This is partly due to the styles we are seeing gracing our runways and streets. Styling your hair is now “in” again and it’s looking like it’s leaning toward the straighter side. Not to fret! You can still air dry your hair any time you want, but when you want to look straight and sleek, opt for “The Bend”. 

Chris Mcmillan first achieved this look on Jen, they’ve been friends ever since.


Why you’ll love the bend? It gently accentuates everyone’s face with some flair without being overly styled. Creating a soft bend in the hair is easier to achieve than you think, and uses a tool you already have. Your ears…


McMillan creates the look by crafting one of his infamous blowouts, and then tucks her hair back, resting it behind her ears to cool. Once cool, simply untuck and give it a spritz of texture or hairspray to for extra hold. 

We told you it was simple, just tuck and bend!

Stay tuned for tips to achieve this style throughout the hair (not just around the face).