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If you have fringe, breakage or baby hairs around your front hairline you probably spent a great deal of your time trying to flick these hairs away. Flickers” (those that incessantly flick fringe from face) now have help. Sam Villa’s Roll Wave technique is a simple styling tip designed to keep hair from falling into the face...let’s just say Villa is helping Flickers roll with it.

  • Take a triangle section of hair (if part is on the left, take triangle section on the right and visa versa), mist with Redken Spray Starch 15 then stretch and smooth the hair using your Sam Villa Small Round Brush.
  • Pick up your Sam Villa Sleekr® flat iron and go over the section a couple times to heat.
  • Immediately follow with your round brush and roll 3/4 of the way down towards the scalp.
  • Keeping the flat iron closed, and using the outside corner of the edges, glide it over the top of the section between the head and brush, down and forward towards the face.
  • Cool and release - this creates an “S” formation with bump pattern that pushes hair back and way from the face.

Try this at home and share your results on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using #SamVillaHowTo. & be sure to check out the rest of Sam Villa's tutorials and tips on Bangstyle!

Author Sam Villa | CO-FOUNDER SAM VILLA©

Post Courtest of SamVilla.com