4 How-to’s for Curly Girls On-The-Go
There has never been cooler time to have naturally curly hair than now! From the runways to the streets, we’ve been seeing women unleash their tamed ringlets left and right. Now, some days we can just wake up and go with our curls in full force, but other days call for a little bit more than that. When your curls seem to have lost their bounce try these four hairstyles to have out our the door in no time.

The Key to Smooth Hair
Now we all know there are smoothing treatments out there we’ve been researching just in case we want to give it a try one day, but side-eyeing because we don’t know just how long our natural hair will be hidden! Well, smooth hair doesn’t mean depleting your hair of its natural texture, it can be as simple as kicking frizz to the curb. If you want smoother hair without chemically changing your coveted texture, keep reading.